
Night Hunting in Texas – Follow the Law 

 July 12, 2021

By  Miranda Jones

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  • Night Hunting in Texas – Follow the Law

Last updated on July 24, 2022

As a hunter, no matter where you are, it's essential to be aware of the rules and regulations for hunting in your region to ensure that you are doing everything legally and responsibly. So before you set out to go night hunting in Texas, you're going to want to brush up on your basics.

To avoid getting into trouble with the authorities at Texas parks, you'll need to have a very clear idea of what exactly you can and can't do. That includes what animals you are allowed to hunt, what methods are permissible for hunting them, what time of day and in what location you can hunt, whether you need a hunting license, and more.

Sound overwhelming? Don't worry about it! We'll give you a clear and comprehensive breakdown of all these regulations, so you can be prepared to approach your Texas hunting activities in the correct manner.

Basic Regulations for Hunting in Texas

Here are some of the most common rules to keep in mind when hunting in Texas, regardless of the time of day.

Hunting License

Persons of any age looking to hunt any animal in Texas must possess a hunting license. The exception to this rule is when hog hunting or going after fur-bearing pests or coyotes, for which a hunting license is not necessary.


Targeting game on public roads is not permissible, except for those with a permit specific to reptiles and amphibians. Similarly, public locations like Texas parks will have their own restrictions that you should follow.

Equipment Regulations

Some equipment, such as night vision gear or certain weapons, either have seasonal restrictions or come with their own regulations. Hunters using special equipment will need to ask their local wildlife authority for details.

Open and Closed Seasons

Hunters must be mindful of the season so they know what game is permissible to hunt at any given time.

Regulations for Night Hunting in Texas

When it comes to hunting at night, the state of Texas has some additional laws in place. Here are the most important regulations.


Hunting at night on public land is illegal in Texas, so don't go to any Texas parks after dark expecting to bag some game. However, if you are on private property and have permission from the landowner, night hunting is perfectly permissible.  


Some special tools for night hunting, such as night vision equipment, also come with regulations. They're legal to use on private property, but you must possess legal documentation to use them. Have your paperwork in order before you equip your thermal scope.

When in doubt, you can consult with your area's game warden to get help clarifying any specific requirements.

What Animals Am I Allowed to Hunt?

Texas is home to a wide variety of different game animals. Whether you're looking for deer, squirrels, birds, rabbits, or even alligators, all of these creatures are teeming in Texas parks and on private grounds.

However, often the type of animal and the method used to hunt them are under seasonal restrictions, so be sure to check before you go.

Some animals are not available to hunt in Texas regardless of the season. This restriction applies to any non-game animals that are either protected, endangered, or threatened. Lists of relevant species to avoid are available on Texas government websites.

Tips for Staying Safe

Hunting comes with some inherent risks. For that reason, safety should be a top priority for any hunter. Here are some safety precautions you can take.

Proper Attire

One of the most vital things you can do to protect yourself when hunting is to make sure you are wearing hunter orange. The gear increases your visibility and reduces the likelihood of accidental injury to yourself or others.

When hunting on public land during daytime hours, Texas law requires orange hunting apparel with few exceptions.

Correct Firearm Maintenance

Always make sure your weapons are in good working condition before using them to prevent any dangerous malfunctions. It is a good idea to have them serviced regularly.

Proper Night Vision Equipment

A night vision or thermal scope can aid your night hunting in Texas significantly. It will allow you to track animals without revealing your position. 

This type of equipment is also advisable for safety. Without night vision, you might think a rustle in the bushes is game only to find out it's a person. Avoid unintentionally harming passersby by using the proper equipment for seeing at night.


Night hunting in Texas is a great way to challenge yourself as a hunter and access game you wouldn't usually see during the day. However, it's crucial to take hunting regulations in Texas parks seriously. As long as you make sure to follow the rules, you should be in for an excellent experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I shoot deer at night in Texas?

While hunting deer from sunup to sundown is perfectly permissible, shooting deer after dark is illegal in Texas. It is punishable by a hefty fine. 

This restriction is in place for the safety of other hunters. The likelihood of a hunting accident rises significantly with lack of visibility, especially when targeting fast-moving animals like deer.

Can I hunt wild boar at night in Texas?

Feral hog hunting is permissible at night, and it is pretty popular among night hunters. Wild boar is one of the species in Texas with fewer regulations, and you don't even need a license to hunt them on private property. 

Thus, for someone interested in shooting game after dark, nighttime hog hunting is an appropriate and accessible option. 

Can I hunt coyotes at night in Texas?

Like feral hogs, coyotes are another animal with minimal regulation in the state of Texas. While the basic hunter education prerequisites are necessary to hunt both species, neither requires a hunting license to kill, provided that you are conducting your activities on private property. The relaxed policies regarding coyotes are likely in response to the potential danger they can present to humans.

About the author 

Miranda Jones

Miranda Jones is Smart Scouter's Product Research Manager. Miranda ensures that Smart Scouter stays at the forefront of thermal and night vision technology and knowledge so that our readers know they are getting the most up-to-date information. Miranda has been involved in the thermal industry in various capacities for 12 years. Miranda is a graduate of the University of Ohio and in her spare time enjoys camping and traveling across the US.

  • Hi Miranda,

    You said, “ Hunting at night on public land is illegal in Texas, so don’t go to any Texas parks after dark expecting to bag some game.” Does that include USACE land? It is Federal public land and not private land. I am planning to hunt USACE for hog at night.

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