Welcome to Smart Scouter

Smart Scouter was founded by Randy Angwin to educate and provide information about the use and benefits of thermal imaging cameras and similar devices. Thermal cameras are currently used across a wide variety of industries, and they helped change the game for many professions and activities.

Smart Scouter compiles the best thermal cameras, monoculars, and scopes and provides accurate and reliable feedback about all of their features. We also provide you with side-by-side comparisons of your chosen thermal imaging product against similar ones to help you choose the device that is best for you.

Whether you are a professional or an amateur, we can provide you with the guidance you need in selecting the right thermal imaging device for your needs. Learn more about how thermal imaging technology works and how it can benefit you on Smart Scouter.



Discover Our Latest Articles

Smart Scouter continues to review hundreds of thermal imaging devices and night vision devices. We’ve put together the most popular devices in a Comparison Chart for easy viewing and laid out all of the specs of each device, so you can pick the one that’s best suited to your needs.

Thermography or thermal imaging creates a thermal image of objects or bodies using a thermal camera. Hero of Alexandria made the first attempt to measure different bodies’ heat. Still, the technology was first used by the US military in 1947 and has been used in several applications since then.  So, what is thermography? How is it used in

We all started hearing about thermal imaging a long time ago from movies. You saw how agents would use the device to find a secret lair or help save the day. Still, we can also use thermal imaging for more mundane tasks, like construction. It’s a massive help when it comes to smart homes. This led

Ever wondered why deer freeze in front of headlights? It’s not that they’re admiring the lights; it’s that they can’t see, so they’re waiting for their eyes to adjust. Unfortunately though, most of the time their eyes don’t adjust quick enough. The truth of the matter is that deer have poor eyesight. They’ve had to

When night vision goggles (NVG) were invented in the early 1930s, there was a lot of skepticism by military officials about whether this night vision device would be helpful in the combat field. But today, it’s easy to see NVG’s lasting impact on history as they are part of many US military uniforms. More impressive, though,

Our YouTube Channel

If you would like to see some of these products in action, you can check our YouTube channel. We provide in-depth looks into some of the most popular thermal imaging and night vision devices. Viewers can see how well these items work in real-life scenarios.

To give you a deeper understanding of thermal imaging and night vision devices, we have in-depth videos dedicated to showing you how these particular items work. Additionally, we have unboxing videos of the devices to show you their different parts and functions as well as what you can expect upon purchase. We also have comparisons of popular thermal imaging and night vision devices, such as our comparison of the Seek Compact and Flir One here.
